Important to Specify Expansion Joint Covers in Construction Projects
Construction projects often don't include expansion joint covers, which can cause a lot of issues for the owner. Whether you're an architect or contractor, it's important to specify expansion joints in your project and understand what they do. Genotek expansion joint covers have many benefits that make them worth consideration when specifying materials for construction projects.
One reason expansion joint covers are so important is because they help to make your project last longer. Without them, the expansion and contraction of concrete will cause movement in the structure over time. This can lead to cracks that ruin the aesthetics of your building or sidewalk, which means you'll have to pay for expensive repairs down the road if expansion joints aren't included during construction. These expansion joints also protect other key elements like wiring and fixtures from being damaged by these movements as well.
Expansion Joint Cover Materials
Expansion Joint covers are an often overlooked and undervalued component in construction projects. expansion joints exist to allow for expansion and contraction of the building during temperature changes. expansion joints can be either a metal or rubber cover that is placed over the floor expansion joint, which is a gap between two slabs of concrete or other material.
There are several different types of expansion joint covers on the market today, from aluminum to rubber with many variations in-between including steel and composite materials. while all expansion joint covers serve a similar purpose, there are some key differences between each type that should be considered when specifying them for your project:
- Aluminum - these require no maintenance, but they will need occasional replacement as they age due to oxidation and they can be customized to site requirements.
- Rubber - these provide an economical option, but have limitations with movement capacity.
- Metal + Rubber - The combination of these elements can provide a better system than either.
Some expansion joint cover manufacturers
- Genotek
- New Rock Company
- TC SpA
The leading manufacturers of expansion joint cover products are Genotek, New Rock Company TC SpA. These companies have various types of expansion joints for different applications (i.e., residential or heavy commercial). Whether you’re working on a new building project, repairing an existing structure, or simply want to maintain the integrity and longevity of your current floors - make sure you specify expansion joint covers from one of these trusted names!
No expansion joint cover project is complete without expansion joints. A good expansion joint will keep your floor protected from damage during construction, and make sure that you maintain its integrity long after the project has been completed. Floor expansion joint covers are important for all types of projects - even residential ones, like new homes or kitchen, remodels.
When it comes to specifying expansion joint covers in your design process, an experienced contractor can help save time and money on the overall job by knowing which products work best for each application. The most important thing about choosing an expansion joint cover is understanding how they perform under pressure (both static and dynamic loading). Not only do they need to be able to withstand these forces acting on them over a long period of time, but expansion joint covers also need to be able to move and flex with the expansion and contraction that occurs in your floor.
Another benefit Genotek expansion joint covers offer is value. First off, our materials come with up to a 20-year warranty protecting against system failure.
By specifying Genotek expansion joint covers during construction projects, you get added value without sacrificing quality or aesthetics. You also protect your building from damage due to movement over time while receiving a warranty against common issues expansion joints can face like mold growth and cracking. For more information on the benefits of including expansion joint coverings in your construction projects as well as specifications and an installation guide visit: joint covers today!
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